Adieu Alice et bienvenue à Mike et Pierre
En 2021, nous avons accueilli Mike Robinson et Pierre au labo.
Nous félicitons également Alice Servonnet pour sa soutenance de thèse et son départ en post-doctorat à New York dans le laboratoire de Saleem Nicola.
Les nouvelles publications comprennent :
- SERVONNET A, ALLAIN F, GRAVEL-COUINARD A, HERNANDEZ G, CAPORUSCIO CB, LEGRIX M, LÉVESQUE D, ROMPRÉ PP, SAMAHA AN.. Dopaminergic mechanisms underlying the expression of antipsychotic-induced dopamine supersensitivity in rats. Neuropharmacology. Accepted Manuscript. Author Share Link Valid until 24 September 2021
- ROBINSON, T.E., KHOO, S.Y., FERRARIO, C.R., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2021. Studying dopamine in addiction: the cart should follow the horse. Trends in Neurosciences. Accepted Manuscript.
- GARCEAU, C., SAMAHA, A.N., CORDAHI, T., SERVONNET, A., & KHOO, S.Y. 2021. Metabotropic group II glutamate receptors in the basolateral amygdala mediate cue-triggered increases in incentive motivation. Psychopharmacology. bioRxiv. Dataset.
- SAMAHA, A.N., KHOO, S.Y., FERRARIO, C.R., & ROBINSON, T.E. 2021. Dopamine ‘ups and downs’ in addiction revisited. Trends in Neurosciences. PsyArXiv
- KHOO, S.Y., UHRIG, A., SAMAHA, A.N., & CHAUDHRI, N. 2021. Effects of dopamine receptor antagonism and amphetamine-induced psychomotor sensitization on sign- and goal-tracking after extended training. Behavioural Brain Research. bioRxiv
- SERVONNET, A., UCHIDA, H., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2021. Continuous versus extended antipsychotic dosing in schizophrenia: Less is more. Beahvioural Brain Research. PsyArXiv
- SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Sugar now or cocaine later? Neuropsychopharmacology
- MINOGIANIS, E.A., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Taking Rapid and Intermittent Cocaine Infusions Enhances Both Incentive Motivation for the Drug and Cocaine-induced Gene Regulation in Corticostriatal Regions. Neuroscience
- ALLAIN, F., DELIGNAT-LAVAUD, B., BEAUDOIN, M.P., JACQUEMET, V., ROBINSON, T.E., TRUDEAU, L.E. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Amphetamine maintenance therapy during intermittent cocaine self-administration in rats attenuates psychomotor and dopamine sensitization and reduces addiction-like behavior. Neuropsychopharmacology
- ALLAIN, F. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. [Cocaine peaks and troughs. Modeling pathological drug use in rats]. Med Sci (Paris)
- SERVONNET, A., HERNANDEZ, G., HAGE, C.E., ROMPRE, & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Optogenetic activation of the basolateral amygdala promotes both appetitive conditioning and the instrumental pursuit of reward cues. Journal of Neuroscience
- ALGALLAL, H., ALLAIN, F., NDIAYE, N.A. & SAMAHA, A.N. 2020. Sex differences in cocaine self-administration behaviour under long access versus intermittent access conditions. Addiction Biology
- AMATO, D., KRUYER, A., SAMAHA, A.N., & HEINZ, A. 2019. Hypofunctional Dopamine Uptake and Antipsychotic Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia. Frontiers in Psychiatry
- MINOGIANIS, E.A., SERVONNET, A., FILION, M.P., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2019. Role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the dorsal striatum in incentive motivation for cocaine. Behavioural Brain Research
- SERVONNET, A., & SAMAHA, A.N. 2019. Antipsychotic-evoked dopamine supersensitivity. Neuropharmacology